Cheese and Toasted Roll Print

This print relates to a childhood memory. As kids we used to cycle a lot around our cottage. A particular favorite was a challenging route to a nearby secluded lake. Getting there was always tough. Bumpy forest paths, a few fords, or worse if the rivers broke their banks, and at the end a steep hill. But the promise of what awaited kept us going. Laying beneath a beautiful old farm house there was a lake sheltered by tall trees. One where we could swim, have a fire and play cards (and in my case recover. I was not a natural cyclist back then).
The journey is an important prelude, because the actual food is very basic. A pack of processed soft cheese eaten straight from the foil in one hand, and a toasted (charred for the easily distracted) “rohlik”, a classic Czech roll in the other. One bite from the left, one from the right. The sunshine, hunger and sense of adventure makes this humble fire side snack a Proustian moment to which I return to fondly. Its also just bloody nice, if you’re in the Czech Rep. I encourage you to replicate it.
The journey is an important prelude, because the actual food is very basic. A pack of processed soft cheese eaten straight from the foil in one hand, and a toasted (charred for the easily distracted) “rohlik”, a classic Czech roll in the other. One bite from the left, one from the right. The sunshine, hunger and sense of adventure makes this humble fire side snack a Proustian moment to which I return to fondly. Its also just bloody nice, if you’re in the Czech Rep. I encourage you to replicate it.