Fresh Fig Feast Print

This print relates to a simple yet great meal. I’m lucky enough to have a friend whose family has a house in Italy. Every year a group of us go and hang out there during the summer. Most years the fig season eludes us, but this one time it was perfect.
Balancing on the edge of the pool we were able to pick figs straight from the tree using a long stick with a special hook. We then proceeded to devour them with Gorgonzola, Prosciutto and golden slabs of focaccia soaked in olive oil. All while having great conversations, feeling relaxed and drinking copious amounts of the local red. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Tip, you can tell a ripe fig if the bottom is just starting to split open, like thin gold threads stitched into green velvet.
Balancing on the edge of the pool we were able to pick figs straight from the tree using a long stick with a special hook. We then proceeded to devour them with Gorgonzola, Prosciutto and golden slabs of focaccia soaked in olive oil. All while having great conversations, feeling relaxed and drinking copious amounts of the local red. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Tip, you can tell a ripe fig if the bottom is just starting to split open, like thin gold threads stitched into green velvet.