Šikmý kostel
Karin LednickáNon-fiction
Finished on 28.2.2022
My thoughts

I have read novels that track great sweeps through history, often following a great personality or leading up to watershed events. This novel decides to focus on a small mining region on the borders of Poland and Czech republic. Its heroes are working class people who are constantly buffeted by forces out of their control. However, their strife against these odds is no less heroic in fact its power lies in its relatability. By choosing such a small area of focus, over a significant period of time Lednicka deftly creates a microcosm of history and makes larger themes more relatable and emotional.
The book begins with Barbora on a grueling “salt march”, that almost results in her death. We are not spared the descriptions of perishing thrust, swollen feet and bloody salt corroded backs. Unfortunately this is only the beginning of her troubles. Barbora is the trunk to many branches throughout this story. As such her harsh and difficult life ripples out into the wider scope of the story. These experiences bring good and bad qualities which, since this is a story that spans generations, are felt by her and her offspring, naturally in similar yet different ways. The unique nature of this narrative is that we get to see how the times and circumstances change and how different generations react to these changes.
There are many themes in the book, from the unique insight into mining communities, to the relationship to religion among working class people. In the latter half WW1 sweeps the continent adding a more familiar drama. However Lednicka refuses to leave this small part of land, we experience this historic conflict from the perspective of those left behind. A unique and no less harrowing experience. Finally the war ends but fresh conflicts regarding borders and formations of new countries bring new divisions. This last section is keenly felt by the reader who by now has become attached to the people and the places they inhabit. Seeing arbitrary external powers divide up communities unified by a world war, is a striking and emotional read.
Šikmý kostel quickly takes us in. We become part of this little community, the trials and tribulations are all the more painful as we want the characters to succeed despite their flaws. This feeling is testament to the rendering of such a large cast of characters, that in less skilled hands would have been overwhelming. A great snapshot of a little known piece of history, which also reflects on larger more general issues and events. Ones which will always be relevant and should not be forgotten.
The book begins with Barbora on a grueling “salt march”, that almost results in her death. We are not spared the descriptions of perishing thrust, swollen feet and bloody salt corroded backs. Unfortunately this is only the beginning of her troubles. Barbora is the trunk to many branches throughout this story. As such her harsh and difficult life ripples out into the wider scope of the story. These experiences bring good and bad qualities which, since this is a story that spans generations, are felt by her and her offspring, naturally in similar yet different ways. The unique nature of this narrative is that we get to see how the times and circumstances change and how different generations react to these changes.
There are many themes in the book, from the unique insight into mining communities, to the relationship to religion among working class people. In the latter half WW1 sweeps the continent adding a more familiar drama. However Lednicka refuses to leave this small part of land, we experience this historic conflict from the perspective of those left behind. A unique and no less harrowing experience. Finally the war ends but fresh conflicts regarding borders and formations of new countries bring new divisions. This last section is keenly felt by the reader who by now has become attached to the people and the places they inhabit. Seeing arbitrary external powers divide up communities unified by a world war, is a striking and emotional read.
Šikmý kostel quickly takes us in. We become part of this little community, the trials and tribulations are all the more painful as we want the characters to succeed despite their flaws. This feeling is testament to the rendering of such a large cast of characters, that in less skilled hands would have been overwhelming. A great snapshot of a little known piece of history, which also reflects on larger more general issues and events. Ones which will always be relevant and should not be forgotten.