Roadside Dumplings Print

This print relates to a time when I was a little hungover in a traffic jam in Beijing. While we sat still among the idling cars, our stomachs rumbling, I noticed lots of drivers just abandoning their vehicles and making their way somewhere between the cars. It was then I noticed a big hole in the wall, on the side of the road, billowing out steam.

This was their destination. In a moment of hunger fueled decisiveness I went to investigate. When I peered through I saw giant reed basket stuffed with steamed dumplings. In seconds I had a plastic tray of 10 or so thrust in my hands, I paid and before my friends even had time to notice I was a back. The best dumplings I have had, and possibly the most unexpected place to find them.

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I am an Architect and Designer focused on wooden furniture. Please check out the shop if you're interested in anything you've seen here, I have rotating stock but can also make to order. Please get in touch via email or through instagram with any questions or comments.


︎: -  ︎ @leopalmerdesign